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79. Your Own Belief

Mark Andrew Johnson

79. Your Own Belief 

 People's idea of heaven is easy and free 

 Thinking about the opposite is where they'd hate to be 

 Who will get there is hard to tell 

 Some much depends on a life without hell 


Is this our only life, or is there another one just waiting for us? Many people believe in just this life and nothing else, so for them, a life in hell will never materialise as far as there concerned, but for others like me and millions of other people, the reality couldn’t be more different. 

Atheists as you probably know, don’t believe in Gods or a God, so how they live their one and only life is a kind of one size fits all mentality, compared to believers like myself. We must live our lives knowing that everything we say and do is being watched and recorded, by a creator and God who will pass judgement on whether we deserve a second life in the heavens or a non-existent life below. 

Who will end up where is hard to say, but as the good book says, “the first will be last, and the last will be first” This means, never take what you say or do for granted because your place in society is never secure. 

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