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76. Innocent Death

Mark Andrew Johnson

76. Innocent Death 

 Why them and not me 

 I've done worse you must see 

 I'll only know when I die 

 Now and then I have a cry 


Throughout history there have been millions of innocent deaths that have resulted in people losing their lives to natural causes, accidents, wars, executions and murders, but for me, when children die innocently it certainly seems more tragic and sadder.  

The first person that I knew who had died innocently was my next-door neighbour. She was a young girl of about eight or nine years old, roughly the same age as me. I can remember it like it was yesterday because it happened on a hot summer’s day. 

Me and my brother and sister were playing in the garden when it happened. All we heard was the screech of brakes. My next-door neighbour had gone to buy an ice cream from the ice cream van outside our house. In her excitement, she ran from behind the ice cream van without looking and was hit by a speeding car. She died instantly! 

It happened in the 1970’s, and in those days, there was no speed restrictions or speed bumps to slow down the speed of traffic. This is just one example of an innocent death! 

I can understand why people say God should intervene, if he does exist, and prevent all innocent deaths, but I believe everything happens for a reason, be it good or bad, and that all will be revealed by God at a time of his choosing.  

Until that time happens, all we can do is carry on living until we die. 

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