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75. A Romantic Breakup

Mark Andrew Johnson

75. A Romantic Break Up 

 If parting ways is the best 

 Finding someone else should be our quest 

 Let's stay friends I really want to 

 I'm glad I eventually got to know you 


Some relationships can be both beautiful and terrible, and while everyone strives to find the one as they say, finding true love can be in some cases a rocky road to happiness. But even after you find the love of your life, you will still have to deal with the aftereffects of the honeymoon period, or when reality kicks in. 

When this happens, the scales might begin to fall from your eyes, as you begin to see the real person you fell for. It is at this point that you will probably have already made your mind up, if the relationship will last or not, and if the feelings are mutual parting ways could be the best solution. 

But even if the romantic part of the relationship doesn’t quite work out, going forward, the two of you could become the best of friends for life in a platonic sense. 

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