74. We Are Only Human
Black or white there is no in between
We're classed as either If we're seen
Some people are afraid of the unknown
If we get too close they'll cast a stone
In life people will always find a reason to treat you differently, be it If you’re fat or thin, short or tall, talk with an accent or black or white. But the biggest difference in society has got to be skin colour and the unknown reasons behind it.
But what is it about a person’s skin colour that makes others see them as inferior to their own skin colour? I believe it is a thought process that has been handed down through hundreds of thousands of years. When I wrote what I’m writing now, the oldest human remains were about 230,000 years old, and found in Ethiopia, Africa.
This thought process in my opinion is linked to the belief that white is good, and dark is evil. For example, a person might be having dark thoughts or going through a dark period in their life that could be linked to stress or depression or just bad fortune.
On the other hand, a person might not have experienced a bad time in their life and is seen as living in the light of hope and glory and good fortune. This perception of good over evil I believe, has been manufactured by mankind to say white means good, and black means bad.
And as we all know, if something is said enough times, be it good or bad, it will be believed by the masses.