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71. Seek To Find

Mark Andrew Johnson

71. Seek To Find 

 We're always learning, and we'll never stop 

 Even a mistake is not a flop 

 You must take heart and slowly plod on 

 To finish the work that's partly gone 


Starting something is always easier than finishing it, due to the ease of saying, I’m working on something. But finishing any project needs persistence, determination and a laser sharp attention to detail, to carry on in the face of adversity, when having to deal with many obstacles that you will most likely come across. 

Simple mistakes and errors are bound to be made, due to you not experiencing them If it's a first-time project. But don’t be surprised If you have to take many steps backwards to take one step forward, as your goal is not so much the journey but your destination. 

Another thing that is as important as you and your project, and that’s support, by either someone else or a few people. Many projects and business ideas fail because the person in question think they can do it all by themselves, due to their arrogant behaviour.  

This might be the case for the one or two percent of the population, but most people need help and assistance to get them where they want to be. Don’t look at it or see it as a weakness but think of it as a strength of your character, and a tool that you need to succeed. 

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