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69. The Only Book

Mark Andrew Johnson

69. The Only Book 

 The bible is a complex book 

 Written for us to take a look 

If we keep reading it now and then 

It will surely help as and when 


I have always found the bible a source of comfort, especially in my time of need, and I regularly read it at least once a day. I was first given a bible when I started secondary school, at about eleven years old and have continued to read it ever since.

All pupils were given a free New Testament bible at the school that I attended, to give us an understanding of leading a good decent life. Although the bible was written hundreds of years ago, I still find it relevant today based on its context of good over evil. For me personally, I find it has many answers to today’s questions and problems, but not all.  

You may be wondering why I still read it? My answer would be because I believe in its message. It's as simple as that. I could quote many passages from the bible, but I’m not here to preach, but to let people decide for themselves. 

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