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68. Do Something Worthwhile

Mark Andrew Johnson

68. Do Something Worthwhile 

 Day dreaming can be anything you want it to be 

 Rather than imagine people will judge what they cannot see 

 It's a private world of your very own 

 Sometimes you wish they'd leave you alone 


Most people believe that daydreaming is a complete waste of time, and that people who do this should do something worthwhile, but I disagree, and here’s why. 

Just because you can’t see something physically being done, it doesn’t mean that someone is doing nothing. For all we know, the person in question could be on the verge of an amazing breakthrough, that could change all our lives for the better. 

Personally, I don’t think there’s much difference between daydreaming and thinking quietly, because both activities are very similar in their description. For an example, a person sitting in front of a computer, could be looked upon as working, due to typing keys on a keyboard and staring at a computer screen, whereas someone just sitting or lying down could be viewed as being bone idle and lazy, so we must be careful with our opinions and judgements when talking about people. 

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