66. Relaxation Time
The trying day is now over and you've got your peace
It's time to relax and let work cease
Let your mind unwind and simply run free
As you dream about how life should be
As technology gets better and more efficient, it makes our lives' easier in one way, but more stressful in another. Let me explain. When emails arrived, it replaced posting letters and waiting a few days for a reply. Although people were still able to make phone calls, most calls years ago were not recorded as standard, so people could easily say that they never received the phone call in the first place. But when emails came along, everything could be sent in seconds, but most importantly everything could also be tracked, by way of time and date. This instant tracking of every email sent and received, took away a person’s ability to blatantly lie, but also took away people’s breathing space of down time or relaxation.
I think this is where the catch phrase called, Overworked and Underpaid comes from, meaning technology has encouraged people to work quicker and get more things done, but for the same salary. This is why people are starting to not read their work emails outside of their contracted hours, so that work does not overlap into their family time or weekends off. Another thing that people are finding hard to do is mentally unwind after work.
If someone finishes work on a Friday, they are already thinking about Monday morning or what they’ve got to do in a week’s time, and it’s this overthinking of what hasn’t happened, that is stressing people out. I know it’s easier said than done, but people must find a way of destressing, so that ultimately, they can live longer lives.