65. The Flying Disc
A u.f.o or just a blur
You can't be sure it did occur
In a flash it was gone
It might have been just a con
For as long as I can remember, I have always been fascinated by alien films, and the same story plot of beings from another planet, attempting to take over the earth.
Although these kinds of films always seem to be a hit with moviegoers, I am more interested in the bigger picture question, and that is, Are We Alone?
With thousands of people reporting u.f.o (unidentified flying objects) sightings around the world, it's hard to discount all of them as being hoax’s or make believe. I definitely don’t buy into the fact that all those people are after five minutes of fame, a small minority maybe, but thousands, no, I just don’t believe it. If we believe that most of those reported incidents have some credibility, we therefore must assume that they witnessed some kind of physical moving object or craft in the sky.
Was it a secret government test plane? Who knows. If it was, the government in question are hardly going to admit to testing secret fighter or surveillance planes, are they? So what are we left with? Secret government planes? It's a definite possibility.
Aliens from outer space? I’ll say this. If what some of those people witnessed, were in fact space crafts from outer space, then these so-called aliens are already among us.