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61. Down But Not Out

Mark Andrew Johnson

61. Down But Not Out 

 What you plan may not work out 

 Leaving you angry to scream and shout 

 If things don't go right you must ask yourself why 

 Once you've found the reasons give it another try 


In life as we all know, things that we hope for and plan may not work out. But when this happens, there are usually only two ways to go, and they are, we either dust ourselves down and try again or simply give up. But as with all things, if this is your first attempt, we may ask ourselves why and what went wrong. Most of the time, it is only when we have stepped back from the situation can we clearly see what mistakes were made in the first place. 

Now when it comes to trying again, hopefully a few tweaks here and there are all that is needed to fix the minor problems, but in worst case scenarios the initial plan may well have to be completely ripped up and redrawn to address the problems and fix the mistakes. But the promised land of success can be very elusive, time consuming and sometimes expensive to attain.

If we put it another way, the word success is like chasing the love of your life and future wife, it's almost saying, if you want me you’ll have to try harder than that, because when you do eventually catch me, I’ll be well worth the wait. 

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