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60. A Weird Encounter

Mark Andrew Johnson

60. A Weird Encounter 

 A spooky encounter leaves you scared 

 Testing your faith to see how you've fared 

 You're frozen to the spot and can't say banish 

 In the Lord's name it will immediately vanish 


I’ve had many dreams that haven’t made sense, but I’m not talking about those experiences. What I’m talking about is conscious instances where you have been fully awake, and not under the influence of alcohol or any type of drug. I can only remember one such instance, and it was while working at a company many many years ago.  

There was this young woman, and she use to keep herself to herself. I mean literally! She would rarely talk, apart from talking about the work itself. Now there’s nothing wrong with that, but this woman in particular had an eerie presence that made people feel physically cold while talking to her. I can’t explain it, but something just didn’t quite feel right.  Anyway, another person told us that she did something in his presence, that left him speechless. When asked about it, he wouldn’t talk about it to no one.

A week later, he felt relaxed enough to tell us what she did, and this is what he said. 

She performed a physical act that wasn’t of this earth. He said it wasn’t a magic trick or illusion, but something sinister and dark. When pushed he wouldn’t go into details, but said, after what he had just witnessed, he would never talk to her again. 

A year or two later, this woman left the company. Now I don’t know what this person witnessed, or If it did occur, but one thing’s for sure. In her presence, people felt physically cold, including myself. What do I think? As human beings, we can all feel and sense when something just doesn’t feel right, and being in this woman’s presence was exactly that, a weird encounter.

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