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59. More than One

Mark Andrew Johnson

59. More Than One 

 Time is a healer of so many things 

 Who know what lies ahead or the future brings 

 A chance gone begging may never return 

 If you get a second I hope you'll learn 


Have you ever had an opportunity offered to you with no strings attached to it, and refused that offer? I have, and this is what happened. I had just left school, and I had applied for a certain job. I can’t remember what the job was, but I was fortunate enough to be offered an interview. Anyway, as the person interviewing me proceeded to ask me questions about the job role, I soon realised that this was not the job I applied for, so I intervened. After I explained that I wasn’t qualified for that particular job role, they insisted that I was a perfect fit. They even told me that the job offered a higher salary than the job I originally applied for. 

Realising that there was a job mix up, and that I wouldn’t accept the new job role, the interview was ended. On my way home, I kept thinking about the opportunity that I had turned down, and why I did it. I can only assume that I kind of froze in the moment, I was caught unawares, I panicked or If I’m being honest, I didn’t want to step into the unknown and out of my comfort zone. It might have been a combination of everything I just described. 

But to this day, I don’t know why, but from time to time I keep thinking about that interview, and how my life would have been different. Was this job a chance gone begging? Yes, it was. Did I do the right thing? Who knows. But I do believe that in life, we do get second chances of accepting offers we turned down originally, but in totally different scenarios. 

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