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57. One Of Many Problems

Mark Andrew Johnson

57. One Of Many Problems

 The ozone hole is clear to see

 A timely reminder for you and me

 Its all our fault and not just one

 We better act fast before it's gone


Many years ago, scientists discovered that the ozone layer was depleting at an alarming rate, and that something had to be done before it disappeared entirely. Back then, CFCs or chlorofluorocarbons was the main contributor to why it was eroding.  CFCs were mainly found in refrigerator gases and aerosol cans, and at the time manufacturers were encouraged or forced by new government regulations to limit the amount that could be used to produce them. Fast forward thirty or forty years, and now we have something arguably more or just as important, called climate change but with devastating consequences, in the form of rising temperatures and changing weather conditions. 


The cause is simply us or humankind, overusing the earth's natural resources in the form of oil, gas and coal to fuel our transportation vehicles like cars, buses trains and planes. The answer say scientists and governments is for all countries to cut back or move away from all these resources, but by how far? And for how long? The problem is, no country wants to jeopardise their own economies at the expense of saving the planet, and herein lies the problem.

Me, you and everyone else on the planet have gotten use to this modern lifestyle of having it all, at the same time, whenever we want.



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