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55. Life Itself

Mark Andrew Johnson

55.  Life Itself 

 Health and happiness are so vital 

 I record what happens in my recital 

 In life you hurt but not for long 

 Use your faith it will make you strong 


When you’re going through a bad time, it feels as though it will never end, and for a time it doesn’t, but then suddenly it stops. That suddenly can last for weeks, months or even years. But after the pain and hardship have gone, the memories stay with you, in most cases for the rest of your life. For me, writing things down in the form of blogs or recording podcasts, helps with what I want to achieve, and how I deal with what is happening to me and those around me.  But saying things and putting them into practice are two entirely different scenarios, and some people struggle with converting one into the other. All of us have, and will, at some point in our lives, must deal with disappointment, death and debt, and not in that particular order either.   

Speaking personally, I have been very fortunate and blessed to have been born into a loving family who have always been there for me, if ever I have needed them. On the other hand, a person might have had to struggle all their lives. But when I have hit hard times, my faith has always been there to show me the way out, in the form of telling me what to say or do. Another thing that is very important is, you don’t have to belong to a certain church or religion to have faith or belief.  Having a faith and belief are what you choose to believe in and live by. 

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