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54. If You Really Want It

Mark Andrew Johnson

54. If You Really Want It 

 An answer comes from a solution 

 Thinking and working is the dilution 

 Knowledge is learnt and not given 

 Whoever perseveres shall be the one driven 


Whatever new man-made thing is created; it can’t have been created right the first time around. It’s impossible! The reason I say it's impossible is because, if it were, these people would be regarded as perfectionists, and as we all know, perfection is impossible for anyone, male or female. But if we fail, but learn with each failure, we get closer to what I describe as human perfection. Human perfection is my own saying, in that with each failure, a human being gets closer to what they define as perfection in a human sense. Simply put, a perfect human creation will fail so many times, before they get something right whatever it is. If human beings were to get everything right first time every time, they would not be classed as human beings, but spiritual beings according to my own belief. 

Spiritual beings in my opinion are not of this earth but come from a higher place where failure does not exist. This higher place that I refer to is beyond human comprehension because to understand it you must be from there in the first place. 

What I’m trying to say is this. To succeed, you must fail more than once.  The secret is trying to fail with the least number of attempts before finding human perfection. 

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