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53. Lonesome Trees

Mark Andrew Johnson

53. Lonesome Trees 

 A gentle breeze and the trees sway 

 They want to move but there here to stay 

 Summer and winter and all year long 

 Their only company is a sweet bird's song 


I have always walked past trees on my road, and I have never given them a second thought, until a few years ago that is. At the end of my garden lies two huge trees, and one day I began looking at them for a quite a while, before coming to this conclusion. 

All or most trees most be lonely.  If you think about it, most creatures or animals can move from place to place and are not restricted or limited in where they want to go. But trees are different.  Once planted, they must remain in the same position for over a hundred years or more, and must watch the world go by, until they themselves grow old and eventually die. 

There only company seems to be birds, that stay for a while to nest or rest, before moving on to their next destination.  The only movement that they seem to be allowed, is for their branches and leaves to sway in the breeze as they move from left to right as the wind blows. Lastly and sadly, trees are mostly overlooked for their important part in our ecosystem. They absorb carbon dioxide, which is toxic to humans, and emit oxygen which we need to survive. 

So the next time you walk past a tree, give it a simple nod of appreciation. 

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