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48. Hope Is Very Powerful

Mark Andrew Johnson

48. Hope Is Very Powerful 

 Worrying now won't change a thing 

 If it gets too much give a friend a ring 

 Look to the future and try a different angle 

 Please don't expire your burning candle 


When life gets on top of us, we all deal with our problems differently. Some people choose to share their problems, while others prefer to deal with theirs privately and alone. Due to our fast-paced society, with everyone having little time for themselves never mind anybody else, it is hardly surprising that people are becoming less caring and more selfish. Another thing that is adding fuel to the fire of a growing non empathetic society, is rising criminality across the world. With more people committing crimes than ever before, jails are becoming overcrowded, leading prison and court authorities to hand out more lenient sentences, in a bid to free up jail space and cut costs. 

With everything that is going on around us, it would be very easy to give up on people and life in general, due to what I have just talked about, but this is why we must try and think positive and never lose hope. I know it's easier said than done, but far too many people are turning to anti-depressants to cope with everyday life, and in particular young people.  What concerns me the most, is that these young people are our future, the people who will be making the big decisions that will run our country in years to come. 

Am I concerned? Yes. Am I worried, No. Because history has shown us that human beings always find a way to keep going and survive, to expand humanity. 

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