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45. I Just Don't Know

Mark Andrew Johnson

45. I Just Don't Know 

 Why were you there you haven't a clue 

 After it happens will confirm it's true 

 People will ask how did you know 

 That shining light unveiled its glow 


What I’m talking about here is the existence of ghosts or aliens, or a combination of the two.  It sounds strange doesn’t it, but it could be possible, due to people seeing things they just can’t explain. Have I seen a ghost or alien? No, I haven't, not yet, or have I? 

I say not yet because I haven’t seen one, or I don’t think I have, but I’ve experienced a presence while sleeping, on more than one occasion. 

This is what happens. In the past, I’ve had these reoccurring dreams, where a dark figure is standing over me, just watching me sleeping. When this dream happens, I’m physically paralyzed, and the dark figure moves closer to me. As it moves closer, I find it harder to breathe the nearer it gets. This dark figure has been as close as a few inches away, but always seems to stop at this point, just watching me. Buy I always wonder, what would happen if this dark figure physically touched me? 

I honestly don’t know. Would I die, possibly.  But what’s the meaning of it, and why does it keep happening? I probably will never know, and what’s more, I honestly don’t want to know. There again, when my time comes, and I eventually die, will the dark figure be there with me?  Who knows, this dark figure could turn out to be my eternal protector in the next life. 

But until that time comes, I will keep wondering about the mysterious dark figure. 

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