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42. Strong But Delicate

Mark Andrew Johnson

42. Strong But Delicate 

 The human body is a work of art 

 A spongy brain controls the start 

 It's all natural and done without thought 

 If it ever malfunctions the rest equals nought 


It is said, we only use two or three per cent of our brain power in our lifetime. If this is the case, what happens to the rest of it you may be wondering? The answer is simple, it just expires or dies. 

Our brains are just like a muscle, you must use it for it to survive, but much more complex. With our muscles, they just have one job, and that is to get us around by way of movement with the help of our frame or skeleton. But when it comes to our brains, they have to tell us what to do every second of our lives. You could say our bodies are like full time babies, but worse. Babies are only babies for a few years, whereas our bodies are babies for their entire lifetime. To survive, they have no choice but to ask and rely on the brain for everything, even taking a simple breath. 

So there you have it. The brain, the most important complex work of art that has ever been created, apart from life itself. 

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