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41. The Desolate Desert

Mark Andrew Johnson

41. The Desolate Desert 

 By day the weather's hot and unrelenting 

 Stars kill the sun it's their turn preventing 

 Sand and wind make more new dunes 

 Silence is the sound it makes no tunes 


I have always had a fascination about deserts. The heat, the silence and the sand that covers millions of miles of open spaces. Close up and from afar, deserts look beautiful and peaceful. But make no mistake, if you don’t respect them, they will take your life in an instant, due to the brutal unforgiving temperatures of heat and lack of water. 

I would go as far as to say, I would probably like to live in one, but there would have to be certain conditions. It would have to be similar to a hotel, with hotel staff and all the generous amenities. Now I’m not saying I would live in a desert forever, but for a time. 

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