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39. The End Is Near

Mark Andrew Johnson

39. The End Is Near 

 It's not long before you go 

 Family and friends shout oh no 

 They hold your hand one last time 

 No words come out no single mime 


The closest that I’ve come to seeing someone die in front of me, was my mother. She died of dementia in June 2023. Due to the type of dementia that my mum had, she had stopped eating and drinking ten days before she died. She was also in a constant sleep phase during this time and had no idea of what was going on around her.  

Me and my family last saw mum the day before she passed away. 

She died in the early hours of Saturday morning, and when me, my dad and my brother entered the hospital room, mum looked asleep and peaceful. My sister couldn't bare to see mum, choosing to remember her as she was, so she stayed at home with her husband. We all stayed in the room for about fifteen minutes, before kissing mum one last time. 

This is my experience of losing a loved one. Yours I’m sure will be totally different. 

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