37. Could This Be It
A week ends and another will start
Who will arrive to steal your heart
You hope it last's and doesn't just fade
The colour of the ring she chooses will be jade
What I’m talking about here is the office romance! I can remember several such flings that started in secret, and eventually surfaced through the grapevine. Most lasted for a few weeks or months, and eventually the novelty and freshness soon became stale with the monotony of it.
But I know of a fare few that lasted the distance and over time led to marriage and children. So what’s my view? What I think is not my business and I’m no judge. But what I will say is this.
If the two people concerned are single, and know the boundaries, and respect each other, then fair enough. But if either one is involved with someone else, married or not, it will start to get messy, and more often than not, people will get hurt in the process.
But when feelings and emotions are at their height, some people just go with the flow and enjoy the ride.