35. Money Is Not Enough
I'm not sure I'd like to live in a mansion
Coming to terms with all that open space and huge expansion
Having all that money would make me think of what to do from day to day
I know one thing you couldn't live with everything being brought to you upon a tray
They say money doesn’t make you happy! I would say money does make you financially happy, but not spiritually. Is it really worth it to have that much that you forget who you are or where you came from, but choose to remember only your arrival.
I would personally like to have a trial run to see how it would affect me, especially with regards to treating people. The only way that this could be possible would be If you were transported into the future for a certain time. There again I wouldn’t want to see something, that I couldn’t forget.
Now I know why the past means ago, the present means for now, and the future means who knows.