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34. A Football Match

Mark Andrew Johnson

34. A Football Match 

 The stadium is packed with rival supporters looking likely to behave 

 It's not long before a free kick is greeted with a superb save 

 A sub is brought on through injury giving extra pace down the wings 

 With time nearly up a manager answers his mobile that alerts him with rings 


The passion and emotion of going to watch a live football game never ceases to amaze me. It’s not just about the actual match, but it’s about the build-up, the anticipation, the what if’s, could this happen or that happen. It’s also about seeing your own fans wearing the club's colours, shirts, scarves, hats etc. 

Seeing rival supporters sitting not far from where your own fans are, and feeling the atmosphere only adds to the tension. The icing on the cake has got to be the chanting of your own fan’s songs in a way that intimidates your opponent's supporters. 

When it comes to sport, there is nothing that comes close in my opinion, to football. 

That is why so many people across the world, refer to it as the beautiful game. 

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