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33. Outerspace

Mark Andrew Johnson

33. Outerspace 

 A space rocket leaves earth and heads for the moon 

 The crew are fine and will contact headquarters tomorrow at noon 

 Samples of the earth are taken and reveal similarities to our soil 

 Other astronauts keep watch through helmets coated in gold foil 


Are we alone? This is the question most people would like to know about our existence in the universe. Is there life elsewhere in this vast space of stars, darkness and silence. 

In my humble opinion, I would say we still don’t know. Scientists have sent numerous unmanned reconnaissance rockets deep into space in the hope of finding life elsewhere costing billions of pounds, but to no avail, yet. I say yet because, some of these rockets will take decades to reach their destination, and that’s before they start taking photos and sending information back to earth.  

By this time, many of us will have sadly passed away, and depending on what you believe in, will be on our own journey to who knows where. 

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