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32. The End Of Summer

Mark Andrew Johnson

32. The End Of Summer 

 A flock of birds pass by forming a perfect v 

 It's the heat they need not the cold from which they flee 

 Where the sun goes they must follow to start a new season 

 If only we could give this excuse as our reason 


Whenever autumn turns to winter, I always instinctively look to the sky, to see If I can see what looks like the same flock of birds, who leave our shores for warmer climates.  A lone leader always guides the group in a perfect V shape, as they glide with ease, occasionally flapping their wings, through the miserable cold grey sky. 

As I watch them disappear in the distance, I always seem to say to myself, if only we could give this reason as our excuse to get away for a holiday, but without the hassle of having to queue up at an airport! 

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