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28. My Plight

Mark Andrew Johnson

28. My Plight 

 They pass me by and don't even look 

 A right angle in chess just like a rook 

 Their eyes glance but never fix 

 I need help but they still won't mix 


They say all of us are two or three steps away from being homeless, due to it being linked to three areas, losing your job, the breakdown of your marriage or relationship and being kicked out of the family home. I once worked with someone who became addicted to drugs. He had a partner and a son, and at first everything seemed to be okay. But then as time went by, he began to drift away from talking to people, arriving late to start work, before eventually getting the sack. I tried to talk to him, but he kept everything to himself, probably due to being embarrassed by his situation. The last I heard, his partner had thrown him out of the family home, and he was in between living in his car and sofa surfing. It just goes to show, it can happen to any of us. 

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